Went back Ipoh last Saturday for my Mama's bday..supposed to have lunch on Sunday with her but ended up dinner on Saturday cause my dad has to drive back the next day and he dosesn't wanna drive with a full belly..very tiring!haha..Since it was my mama's 88th bday..i made her a huge card..sthg like Wei Zhi's but i added a 3D effect to it..more special!!
Presenting another 3..Zoe Teh,Jia Wei(Xin Wei's sis) and Clarissa Teh..
My two nephews..Hao Hao and Ming Shuen
Latest baby and niece in the family,Chloe Wong..
Gosh..this shows how old i am now..haha..Auntie leh..next time when im working..i'll take them out to spend time with them..should be fun!cant wait XD
Anyway..i supposed to go back on Sunday but guess what..i had to stay back in Ipoh to look after my grandfather with is physically and mentally ill..he cant really remember our names including his own children..cant really walk but yet always wants to get up to go toilet saying that he very 'gap liu' or 'gap si'..dam kesian la.. =( Will be following my aunt back tmr..Thats why i missed the dinner at Dave's with Yi Ming they all..nevermind la..can save money!wakaka..well there's always next time right people?! =D
eLaiNe signing off..till then..bye!