Sunday, July 19, 2009

distance felt

we have friends and they do come and go..some will still remain in contact but many don't..

i used to have very close friends through out primary and secondary to even foundation and now degree..i rarely keep in touch with my primary buddies,at least i still hang out with either 1 or 2 of them..

then in secondary..well i hang out with the same close gang..but the rest seems to slowly fade..

as for foundation..though we go to the same uni..yet we still can't see each pathetic is that!i times i really hope that at least the foundation friends i have can still hang out and be how we used to back then..sad enough it friends made and old friends seems to be left out we used to msg each other and all is now all gone.. =(

well life moves on..and i've found new friends in degree and they are great..i mean all friends are!i wonder what will happen after degree is over..working life would be a another story..harder to find true friends that is..

i just miss those happy moments..all those laughters,hang outs,talking,bullying,eating,walking,driving,messaging and i wish it could last..

eLaiNe signing off missing the old times..


  1. Anonymous said...
    you'll always have me. =) just like i will always have you...
    hugs and kisses.
    eLaiNe said...
    yes yes..i know!!
    love you always bitch!!
    JecKSheN said...
    weeee wang wang
    Unknown said...
    还有我还有我!!喂~不要忘了我叻! 哈哈哈 >.<
    Dave Lai said...
    got me..dun forget me o....haha...
    eLaiNe said...
    {jeckshen}blek!! XP


    {dave}haha..wont forget you too!!

    thks u guys.. =)

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