nyek nyek nyek..oooo someone is a year older liao wor..wakaka..always ejek people..now its YOUR turn!!blek =P
orang ini sama class with saya during form 1 back in smkdj..that wasn't that close yet..but somehow ar..after form 5 baru close..sweat hor?well this is call fate..zai bo?ever since we were 1 close group of friends along with hong yee,kai ning,swee ing,christin,yi ming and wei zhi..now people got nice camera..semi pro dslr..can take nice pic liao..hehe..go everywhere with it..best photographer buddy rayner and him sama-sama je..credits to them for nice and cool pictures..
i wrote that i have to sit for a test tmr on facebook and in 3 minutes time i received a comment..
guess what..in less then half an hour ady got 4 comments!!
its nthg la but i never expected tat ppl actually will comment so soon..
thanks for all yr wishes though..
i'm surprised that ppl will drop by to wish me..
i'm glad and thankful to know that you ppl actually cares about me..
i always thought that no one does.. =(
maybe i'm thinking the wrong way.. >.<
once again THANK YOU!!
eLaiNe signing off touched..
i'm so doomed right now..even not now then it will be soon..
slept at 6 this morning..woke up around 3 plus..
tmr got crm test and i'm not done..
next week got 2 presentations..
this saturday going out with friends..
dam f-ed up wei..
thinking about all these makes me stress because i haven start and its not finish!!
only one thought can make me happy..
p/s : all the best to my biatch,angeline,louise,sam lee and jacky for the presentation later!
eLaiNe signing off hoping she won't die of stress..
i have NO friggin mood to redo my movie poster now..
having a headache..
a hole in my heart..
just no mood..
eLaiNe signing off not feeeling good..
we have friends and they do come and go..some will still remain in contact but many don't..
i used to have very close friends through out primary and secondary to even foundation and now degree..i rarely keep in touch with my primary buddies,at least i still hang out with either 1 or 2 of them..
then in secondary..well i hang out with the same close gang..but the rest seems to slowly fade..
as for foundation..though we go to the same uni..yet we still can't see each other..how pathetic is that!i know..at times i really hope that at least the foundation friends i have can still hang out and be how we used to back then..sad enough it doesn..new friends made and old friends seems to be left out ady..how we used to msg each other and all is now all gone.. =(
well life moves on..and i've found new friends in degree and they are great..i mean all friends are!i wonder what will happen after degree is over..working life would be a another story..harder to find true friends that is..
i just miss those happy moments..all those laughters,hang outs,talking,bullying,eating,walking,driving,messaging and all..how i wish it could last..
eLaiNe signing off missing the old times..
eLaiNe T. is still awake till this time doing what?
what more than comm theory assignment..
and at times just being that cheerful her!
this girl cannot act cool..well she did try but damn funny de..doesn even look cool at all..LOL anyhow that is how i view her..but when she's down i can tell too..just dun like her to be that way..i like that talkative her,laughing out where the first 3 laughs are loud being that 傻婆,the way she react while laughing,the bubbly her..well people do have down moments so its ok..but pls maintain that cheerful you ya llz!! =)
thats why i L-O-V-E you lo!!muaxxx
eLaiNe signing off not hoping for more complains!!
guess what..i just got back from super with sue yen which asked me to join ah gor for his late dinner and gar yee was being pulled along..haha..all 3 were doing research yet went to abc to yamcha cz my poor ah gor haven eat yet..so go chit-chat lo..
i was kinda hungry so had nasi goreng kampung and sue yen ordered tomyam soup..i drank like a quater of it wei..someone is sooooo gonna kill me after seeing this post because i supposed to be sleeping and even if i went yamcha i'm not supposed to be drinking tomyam!!i'm sorry!! =(
speaking about that..its cause i fell sick the night i came back to the lowlands..dam swt..had fever on sunday night..morning woke up with sore throat..thks to the medicine supplied..i recovered like really fast but throat damm itchy and i had cough since then till now..cough till my chest kinda pain at times..i know i'm making people worried but i'll be fine k?promise..
anyway thks to those who was there for me by giving advises and medicine and also for the wishes to get well soon..i'll be strong..no worries..love ya people!! <3 i better head to bed now before someone really is angry of me!!but i had alot of fun today being crazy and fooling around all..teasing people is fun!!you-know-who-you-are..loves
eLaiNe signing off feeling guilty and sorry..
the phrase above was the pm of lee sue yen's msn..
guess what..it shall be my blog post..why so?
because even i couldn't believe my eyes that i *!&%%#@)&^#(!^@^!)@#!*&^%$@ lost 3 kilos!!!!
can't sleep already la tonight..keke XD
eLaiNe signing off flying..whee~
*edited version for more jealous people*
first thing first..as mentioned in my previous post..the specially kept strawberry was given to my precious bitch of all time..yesterday she brought the strawberry on purpose to camwhore with mua but i didn't attend class..so i asked her to take alone..end results?
a happy bitch she is!!haha..even si tho and kei kei were so jealous of it..look at their expressions!! XP
okay..and because the special strawberry was given to a special someone..someone else was also jealous about it..u also wonder who leh..well she's someone that has alot of nicknames..let me introduce you people to my new friend,llz,llc,bkt,juliet,朱丽叶,三声妹,李丽甄,si fot tai..i think thats about it ba..haha..she said i dun love her wor..but when i say so..she will be dam shy and ask me not to say..but nw she yao jealous wor..so shud i or shudn i say leh?!
well new friend..wait till the next trip ba..i'll surely get for u de ok?!dun so jealous ya..i stil LUB YOU!!!dam cutie la u.. >.<
who else but jacky lee han jie lo..haihz..alwiz say i din hang out with him and all..but he really call me during the wrong time ma..i dam innocent..kena cakap =( summore say now no longer a full HD liao..to me HD stands for Heng Dai la..but to him is call Hot Dog..since he said i'm no longer his full HD so he asked me to choose either to be Hot or Dog..of cz la i choose Hot la..takkan become his Dog meh?!true bo?! =P
eh lousy HD..sorry for not spending time like how we used to..but still i'll treasure those time de..and not to say i no time..we still got planty of time here in Kampar la..sure got a day that i can pui u de..that will be the day u ask me out during the right time ba!!blek..
p/s : the love/lub i mentioned above are all the friend type ya..someone pls dun get jealous too!!cz anyhow i still love you too!! <3
eLaiNe signing off loving ALL..
hello hello!i'm back from the highlands..omg i'm missing it already la..sobs =( ok not so emo la..lets start with the updates shall we!?
left kampar about 5pm last friday..reached the apartment also almost 7pm ady..everyone was already there..
this time joanna tan came along!she's my primary classmate..she's damn funny and cute..love her lots!!oh and jeckshen was called a k-leh-feh in d pic..hehe
why 4pm?
because i'm going to cameron by then..
well hopefully la..you know..malaysian timing..
i'm all packed waiting for the person to pick me and off we go with another car..
stay tuned for more updates after that..
p/s : and yess bitch..i remember.. XD oh and i'm missing you!! xoxo
eLaiNe signing off being excited..
i was supposed to be at A Box singing karaoke with a bunch of friends now..but i changed my mine this morning when i woke up..i haven started on my photoshop and i'll be away from tmr til sunday..so i thought of staying home doing work and also to save money..
Told my ah gor about it but he didnt reply me..so i told sue yen and she said ok..later did i know the whole plan was canceled..and my bitch told me about ah gor's pm..his dislike..i know that he hates last minute cancellations..and i did that..
therefore..ah gor..i'm really sorry..i supposed to be the one knowing you more but yet i was also the one doing it..if you're angry i'll understand totally..but for now all i can say is that i'm sorry..
eLaiNe signing off feeling guilty..
last night i went for transformers 2 with jeckshen and his gang of friends-jordan,mein kuok and his girlfriend natalie,ak,chee how,hon chin,nelson,christin and johnson..funny group of people..headed to ipoh for tauge chicken at almost 9..makan all then went to ipoh parade around 10+..shops all closed and only those who are going for movies and karaoke was left..
no people equals to FUN!!!what more to do then camwhore?!?!i mean other then messying around la.. XD
played till 11 sthg then go buy porncorn and drinks..off to movie we all went!!show was awesome and hilarious..good company,great movie,nice food,safe journey,fantastic night..me love! <3
eLaiNe signing off remembering last night..
its july already and yet i'm still not doing anything for assignments where the due dates are all coming up soon..
i do not have a proper update so far.sorry for that peeps. .
anyway kampar started to rain these days.the weather is much better compared to weeks ago.but the stupid green and brown bugs are increasing.. -.-
oh last night i managed to hang out wit ah yen..very long didn't go makan with her ady lo..haha..supposingly we planned to walk out for dinner but the sky didn allowed us to..so she borrowed limi's car and off we went to 'seng yip' then went to print some stuff,bought my reload number,pump petrol and last min decided to go lepak at tesco..sounds pathetic right peejay ppl?i also know..
on the way to old town near a junction..this stupid driver speeded out and skided in front of us..he like 'piu yi' in da movies that type..scared us both!if anything bad happened we both sure kena d..thank GOD!
thats all i guess..wait till my next update ba..ciaoz
eLaiNe signing off hungry.. =(