Saturday, May 2, 2009

whats with you?!

do you feel weird when someone that thinks that when another person he/she used to know had changed and was never like before?

was it wrong to change in the first place?

if its for the better..i mean why not!!unless its for the worst then YOU have a right to speak out.

i really don't get what is in that person's mind..i mean its like you make new friends although they come and go..perception towards someone may change in what's the big deal being close to someone that you once dislike?its not wrong right?besides,its a good thing don't you people think so?and what's wrong if your friend is hanging out with that new friend he/she once dislike?we have many and different friends around us..don't expect us to be around you all the time..

if a person can turn from liking to disliking a may be vice versa as don't make a big fuss about it..and IF you happened to be THAT someone i've mentioned..please use your head GOD gave you to think wisely before speaking..people DO change at times

people learn to be stronger,more independant,more patient,to voice out,what is right and what is wrong..what's most important is that people learn from mistakes..people won't be so dumb to let others keep hurting themselves and not doing anything about it..if so its because they think its worth for the one they love..

if you love someone..mean it and prove it..if not..ask someone to kick you in the butt or slap you hard enough to realise that you are hurting someone that is really in love and have been waiting for you..don't be a selfish bus* wouldn't understand the pain that person is going through all because of YOU!!

so THINK really cannot always have people around you and expect them to always be the same..even when YOU yourself don't even know..just wake up..

eLaiNe signing off feeling much better..sighs


  1. Anonymous said...
    yes! i agree ! omg. i wanna do a post on this topic also. LOL
    Anonymous said...
    oh i forgot to mention. I love this post !!!!!!!! =D
    eLaiNe said... already did and its effing long wei..yr words yao so 'big'..haha..kinda hard to read..but i agree wei!!!neways thanks..never thought that i would have such post.. >.<

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