Saturday, March 27, 2010

what a fry-day!

have you ever felt happy and excited that its finally Friday?! cause the weekends are here.

i used to. but just not today! the worst friday ever.

since morning till now. nothing went well. stories you ask?


-received news that i have to attend an event on the 10th which i will be missing out something.
-had bad news from someone far away.

-no mood to eat. but ate pizza cause my tummy was calling.
-got scolded by boss.
-had to do solo proposal.

-already no mood at all.
-proposal did half heartly then send.

-supposed to go for gathering. canceled.
-again fought.

the whole day, basically did not went smoothly. so much bad news. so much work to be done. made someone angry. not to mentioned made another someone worried.

p/s:hey bitch, please don't blame yourself. you helped by calling. at least i release some there. told you some as well. thanks for being there. i really need a true friend like you. love you!

i guess i shall end my night here. tmr yamcha cancel. sunday have to work from 8-12. i wonder whats coming next week. sighs.

eLaiNe signing off really exhausted..


  1. Anonymous said...
    hey bitch ! no matter what happened, i will always be here for you =)
    cheers !
    eLaiNe said...
    i just need a friend like you other then your jimui. really grateful. i love you.

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