helo!yes i'm back to blog.. =) fyi i'm also back in peejay since friday..will go back kampar on tuesday evening..was back on friday then headed straight to 1U for shopping and also dinner before going home..at night had yamcha sessions with my gang..the close ones that is!
next morning supposed to have breakfast with them as well but was lazy..blek! XP slept til almost 2pm..watched tv,bathed then went to wei zhi's place to prepare for jeckshen's sister,Quinnie's wedding dinner at JayaOne's Overseas if not mistaken..met fei xiang,bradley and hui nian there..funny people =D
after countless of sleepless nights..
i'm freeeeeeeeeee~
all assignments passed up..
all presented..
finals is in 2 weeks -.-
eLaiNe signing off relieved for the time being..
a short update i shall..
firstly i would like to congrats to those who have finished all assignments and presentations today..finally can sleep lo!
secondly i would like to tell my groupmates that its ok to have our presentation delayed..no one is to blame..at least we have a second chance right?
lastly to those who have to hand up crm on friday..all the best in the report!
after friday everyone can be free!but then finals is just around the corner..good luck people!!
anyway i will be FINALLY going back peejay on friday..whee~
eLaiNe signing off waiting to be free.. =)
i just don't get it..why can people be sleeping soundly when others are rushing like mad for something?!
i mean don't they feel guilty?!
i too wanna sleep you know?!
we too wanna sleep!!
eLaiNe signing off not being able to sleep again..
hey peeps..sorry for not updating lately..just to inform you guys that i wont be blogging for 1 week or so due to assignments..have to rush for 3 submission dates next week..and 2 more presentations the following week..sienz -.-
after that will be slightly better but finals will be next..cant wait for holidays though..thats all for now..having discussion in less then an hour..dont miss me folks!will be back!toodles~
eLaiNe signing off to start a hectic week!
i'm damn fed-up.really is!
damn those people.f-ed up people.
spoilt my day.totally.
living under the same roof with some f-ed up people is rather stressful compared to assignments and presentations.
don't you agree?!
i'll be patient. *swollowing hard*
i rather stay with people like ma bitch,lyn,mamasan and fu diao diao.
i mean it.
eLaiNe signing off waiting..
As mentioned before..i went to lata kinjang last saturday with a bunch of friends for a break..ah fai came up and we all went at around 2 plus..supposed to go ipoh mana tau last min change plan..sue yen was unwell but we pulled her there as well..after seeing doctor that is..
when i finally thought things would get better after 2 very stressful presentations..things got worst instead..
damn f**ked up.
i shouldn't have done it.
mistake learned.a very costly one indeed.
no more.i won't do it.
it should't end this way.not how i expected.
shit happens.
p/s : i mean it when i mention don't bother asking.mood swing starts.
eLaiNe signing off extremely guilty..
ma bitch wrote how much she loves me this evening during copy writing class..so here is your reply bitch!muaxxx
heyo peeps!yesss..eLaiNe T. is burning midnight oil yet again for what?assigments lo..haiz
having my comm theories presentation later in about 12 hours time..
BUT have to finish all the slides to be printed then have to pass to ms mok by 12 noon..
i have to go consult ms huan as well..again by 12pm
sien bo?
yala last minute work la..dun start to nag k -.-
back to work it is when everyone is actually sleeping..have to wake sue yen up soon!
eLaiNe signing off during one of those sleepless night..